
This class, its method, properties and constants are deprecated.

Base class in Lithium's hierarchy, from which all concrete classes inherit. This class defines several conventions for how classes in Lithium should be structured:

  • Universal constructor: Any class which defines a __construct() method should take exactly one parameter ($config), and that parameter should always be an array. Any settings passed to the constructor will be stored in the $_config property of the object.
  • Initialization / automatic configuration: After the constructor, the _init() method is called. This method can be used to initialize the object, keeping complex logic and high-overhead or difficult to test operations out of the constructor. This method is called automatically by Object::__construct(), but may be disabled by passing 'init' => false to the constructor. The initializer is also used for automatically assigning object properties. See the documentation on the _init() method for more details.
  • Testing / misc.: The __set_state() method provides a default implementation of the PHP magic method (works with var_export()) which can instantiate an object with a static method call. Finally, the _stop() method may be used instead of exit(), as it can be overridden for testing purposes.



class ObjectDeprecated {

	 * Stores configuration information for object instances at time of construction.
	 * **Do not override.** Pass any additional variables to `parent::__construct()`.
	 * @var array
	protected $_config = [];

	 * Holds an array of values that should be processed on initialization. Each value should have
	 * a matching protected property (prefixed with `_`) defined in the class. If the property is
	 * an array, the property name should be the key and the value should be `'merge'`. See the
	 * `_init()` method for more details.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::_init()
	 * @var array
	protected $_autoConfig = [];

	 * Constructor. Initializes class configuration (`$_config`), and assigns object properties
	 * using the `_init()` method, unless otherwise specified by configuration. See below for
	 * details.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::$_config
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::_init()
	 * @param array $config The configuration options which will be assigned to the `$_config`
	 *        property. This method accepts one configuration option:
	 *        - `'init'` _boolean_: Controls constructor behavior for calling the `_init()`
	 *          method. If `false`, the method is not called, otherwise it is. Defaults to `true`.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(array $config = []) {
		$defaults = ['init' => true];
		$this->_config = $config + $defaults;

		if ($this->_config['init']) {

	 * Initializer function called by the constructor unless the constructor `'init'` flag is set
	 * to `false`. May be used for testing purposes, where objects need to be manipulated in an
	 * un-initialized state, or for high-overhead operations that require more control than the
	 * constructor provides. Additionally, this method iterates over the `$_autoConfig` property
	 * to automatically assign configuration settings to their corresponding properties.
	 * For example, given the following:
	 * ```
	 * class Bar extends \lithium\core\ObjectDeprecated {
	 * 	protected $_autoConfig = ['foo'];
	 * 	protected $_foo;
	 * }
	 * $instance = new Bar(['foo' => 'value']);
	 * ```
	 * The `$_foo` property of `$instance` would automatically be set to `'value'`. If `$_foo` was
	 * an array, `$_autoConfig` could be set to `array('foo' => 'merge')`, and the constructor value
	 * of `'foo'` would be merged with the default value of `$_foo` and assigned to it.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::$_autoConfig
	 * @return void
	protected function _init() {
		foreach ($this->_autoConfig as $key => $flag) {
			if (!isset($this->_config[$key]) && !isset($this->_config[$flag])) {

			if ($flag === 'merge') {
				$this->{"_{$key}"} = $this->_config[$key] + $this->{"_{$key}"};
			} else {
				$this->{"_$flag"} = $this->_config[$flag];

	/* Deprecated / BC */

	 * Parents of the current class.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::_parents()
	 * @var array
	protected static $_parents = [];

	 * Contains a 2-dimensional array of filters applied to this object's methods, indexed by method
	 * name. See the associated methods for more details.
	 * @deprecated Not used anymore.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::_filter()
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::applyFilter()
	 * @var array
	protected $_methodFilters = [];

	 * PHP magic method used in conjunction with `var_export()` to allow objects to be
	 * re-instantiated with their pre-existing properties and values intact. This method can be
	 * called statically on any class that extends `Object` to return an instance of it.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @param array $data An array of properties and values with which to re-instantiate the object.
	 *        These properties can be both public and protected.
	 * @return object Returns an instance of the requested object with the given properties set.
	public static function __set_state($data) {
		$class = get_called_class();
		$object = new $class();

		foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
			$object->{$property} = $value;
		return $object;

	 * Determines if a given method can be called.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @param string $method Name of the method.
	 * @param boolean $internal Provide `true` to perform check from inside the
	 *                class/object. When `false` checks also for public visibility;
	 *                defaults to `false`.
	 * @return boolean Returns `true` if the method can be called, `false` otherwise.
	public function respondsTo($method, $internal = false) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated. ';
		$message .= "Use `is_callable([<class>, '<method>'])` instead.";
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

		return Inspector::isCallable($this, $method, $internal);

	 * Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
	 * for call_user_func_array, and improves performance by using straight method calls
	 * in most cases.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @param string $method  Name of the method to call
	 * @param array $params  Parameter list to use when calling $method
	 * @return mixed  Returns the result of the method call
	public function invokeMethod($method, $params = []) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated.';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

		switch (count($params)) {
			case 0:
				return $this->{$method}();
			case 1:
				return $this->{$method}($params[0]);
			case 2:
				return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1]);
			case 3:
				return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1], $params[2]);
			case 4:
				return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3]);
			case 5:
				return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3], $params[4]);
				return call_user_func_array([&$this, $method], $params);

	 * Returns an instance of a class with given `config`. The `name` could be a key from the
	 * `classes` array, a fully-namespaced class name, or an object. Typically this method is used
	 * in `_init` to create the dependencies used in the current class.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @param string|object $name A `classes` key or fully-namespaced class name.
	 * @param array $options The configuration passed to the constructor.
	 * @return object
	protected function _instance($name, array $options = []) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated. ';
		$message .= 'Please use Libraries::instance(), with the 4th parameter instead.';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
		return Libraries::instance(null, $name, $options, $this->_classes);

	 * Exit immediately. Primarily used for overrides during testing.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @param integer|string $status integer range 0 to 254, string printed on exit
	 * @return void
	protected function _stop($status = 0) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated.';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

	 * Gets and caches an array of the parent methods of a class.
	 * @deprecated
	 * @return array Returns an array of parent classes for the current class.
	protected static function _parents() {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated. For property merging ';
		$message .= 'use `\lithium\core\MergeInheritable::_inherit()`';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

		$class = get_called_class();

		if (!isset(self::$_parents[$class])) {
			static::$_parents[$class] = class_parents($class);
		return static::$_parents[$class];

	 * Apply a closure to a method of the current object instance.
	 * @deprecated Replaced by `\lithium\aop\Filters::apply()` and `::clear()`.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::_filter()
	 * @see lithium\util\collection\Filters
	 * @param mixed $method The name of the method to apply the closure to. Can either be a single
	 *        method name as a string, or an array of method names. Can also be false to remove
	 *        all filters on the current object.
	 * @param \Closure $filter The closure that is used to filter the method(s), can also be false
	 *        to remove all the current filters for the given method.
	 * @return void
	public function applyFilter($method, $filter = null) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated in favor of ';
		$message .= '`\lithium\aop\Filters::apply()` and `::clear()`.';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

		if ($method === false) {
		foreach ((array) $method as $m) {
			if ($filter === false) {
				Filters::clear($this, $m);
			} else {
				Filters::apply($this, $m, $filter);

	 * Executes a set of filters against a method by taking a method's main implementation as a
	 * callback, and iteratively wrapping the filters around it. This, along with the `Filters`
	 * class, is the core of Lithium's filters system. This system allows you to "reach into" an
	 * object's methods which are marked as _filterable_, and intercept calls to those methods,
	 * optionally modifying parameters or return values.
	 * @deprecated Replaced by `\lithium\aop\Filters::run()`.
	 * @see lithium\core\Object::applyFilter()
	 * @see lithium\util\collection\Filters
	 * @param string $method The name of the method being executed, usually the value of
	 *               `__METHOD__`.
	 * @param array $params An associative array containing all the parameters passed into
	 *              the method.
	 * @param \Closure $callback The method's implementation, wrapped in a closure.
	 * @param array $filters Additional filters to apply to the method for this call only.
	 * @return mixed Returns the return value of `$callback`, modified by any filters passed in
	 *         `$filters` or applied with `applyFilter()`.
	protected function _filter($method, $params, $callback, $filters = []) {
		$message  = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated in favor of ';
		$message .= '`\lithium\aop\Filters::run()` and `::apply()`.';
		trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

		list(, $method) = explode('::', $method);

		foreach ($filters as $filter) {
			Filters::apply($this, $method, $filter);
		return Filters::run($this, $method, $params, $callback);