All Commands to be run from the Lithium console must extend this class.
The run
method is automatically called if it exists. Otherwise, if a method does not exist
the Help
command will be run.
li3 example
li3 example --format=json
class Command extends \lithium\core\ObjectDeprecated {
* A Request object.
* @see lithium\console\Request
* @var object
public $request;
* A Response object.
* @see lithium\console\Response
* @var object
public $response;
* Surpresses all output except errors.
* @var boolean
public $silent = false;
* Enables plain output by i.e. disabling colors. Useful when piping into other commands.
* @var boolean
public $plain = false;
* Shows help for the command. Alternatively `-h` can be used.
* @var boolean
public $help = false;
* Dynamic dependencies.
* @var array
protected $_classes = [
'response' => 'lithium\console\Response'
* Auto configuration.
* @var array
protected $_autoConfig = ['classes' => 'merge'];
* Constructor.
* @param array $config Available configuration options are:
* - `'request'` _object|null_
* - `'response'` _array_
* - `'classes'` _array_
* @return void
public function __construct(array $config = []) {
$defaults = ['request' => null, 'response' => [], 'classes' => $this->_classes];
parent::__construct($config + $defaults);
* Command Initializer.
* Populates the `$response` property with a new instance of the `Response` class passing it
* configuration and assigns the values from named parameters of the request (if applicable) to
* properties of the command.
* @return void
protected function _init() {
$this->request = $this->_config['request'];
if (!is_object($this->request) || !$this->request->params) {
$default = ['command' => null, 'action' => null, 'args' => null];
$params = array_diff_key((array) $this->request->params, $default);
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
$this->{$key} = $param;
$this->response = $this->_config['response'];
if (!is_object($this->response)) {
$this->response = Libraries::instance(
$this->response + ['plain' => $this->plain],
* Called by the `Dispatcher` class to invoke an action.
* @see lithium\console\Dispatcher
* @see lithium\console\Response
* @param string $action The name of the method to run.
* @param array $args The arguments from the request.
* @return object The response object associated with this command.
* @todo Implement filters.
public function __invoke($action, $args = []) {
try {
$this->response->status = 1;
$result = call_user_func_array(array($this, $action), $args);
if (is_int($result)) {
$this->response->status = $result;
} elseif ($result || $result === null) {
$this->response->status = 0;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->response;
* Invokes the `Help` command.
* The invoked Help command will take over request and response objects of
* the originally invoked command. Thus the response of the Help command
* becomes the response of the original one.
* @return boolean
protected function _help() {
$help = new Help([
'request' => $this->request,
'response' => $this->response,
'classes' => $this->_classes
return $help->run(get_class($this));
* Writes a string to the output stream.
* @param string|array $output The string or an array of strings to write.
* @param mixed $options When passed an integer or boolean it is used as the number of
* of new lines, when passed a string it is interpreted as style
* to use otherwise when an array following options are available:
* - `'nl'` _integer|boolean_: number of new lines to add at the
* end. `false` to disable adding a newline.
* - `'style'` _string_: the style name to wrap around the output.
* @return integer
public function out($output = null, $options = ['nl' => 1]) {
if ($this->silent) {
return $this->_response('output', $output, $options);
* Writes a string to error stream.
* @param string|array $error The string or an array of strings to write.
* @param mixed $options When passed an integer or boolean it is used as the number of
* of new lines, when passed a string it is interpreted as style
* to use otherwise when an array following options are available:
* - `'nl'` _integer|boolean_: number of new lines to add at the
* end. `false` to disable adding a newline.
* - `'style'` _string_: the style name to wrap around the output.
* @return integer
public function error($error = null, $options = ['nl' => 1]) {
return $this->_response('error', $error, $options);
* Handles input. Will continue to loop until `$options['quit']` or
* result is part of `$options['choices']`.
* @param string $prompt
* @param array $options
* @return string|boolean Returns the result of the input data. If the input is
* equal to the `quit` option boolean `false` is returned.
public function in($prompt = null, array $options = []) {
$defaults = ['choices' => null, 'default' => null, 'quit' => 'q'];
$options += $defaults;
$choices = null;
if (is_array($options['choices'])) {
$choices = '(' . implode('/', $options['choices']) . ')';
$default = $options['default'] ? "[{$options['default']}] " : '';
do {
$this->out("{$prompt} {$choices} \n {$default}> ", 0);
$result = trim($this->request->input());
} while (
!empty($options['choices']) &&
!in_array($result, $options['choices'], true) &&
(empty($options['quit']) || $result !== $options['quit']) &&
(!$options['default'] || $result !== '')
if ($result == $options['quit']) {
return false;
if ($options['default'] !== null && $result == '') {
return $options['default'];
return $result;
* Writes a header to the output stream. In addition to the actual text,
* horizontal lines before and afterwards are written. The lines will have
* the same length as the text. This behavior can be modified by providing
* the length of lines as a second paramerter.
* Given the text `'Lithium'` this generates following output:
* ```
* -------
* Lithium
* -------
* ```
* @param string $text The heading text.
* @param integer $line The length of the line. Defaults to the length of text.
* @return void
public function header($text, $line = null) {
if (!$line) {
$line = strlen($text);
$this->out($text, 'heading');
* Writes rows of columns.
* This method expects asceding integer values as the keys, which map to the appropriate
* columns. Currently, there is no special "header" option, but you can define them for your
* own.
* Example Usage:
* ```
* $output = [
* ['Name', 'Age'],
* ['----', '---'],
* ];
* foreach($users as $user) {
* $output[] = [$user->name, $user->age];
* }
* $this->columns($output);
* ```
* Would render something similar to:
* ```
* Name Age
* ---- ---
* Jane Doe 22
* Foo Bar 18
* ```
* This method also calculates the needed space between the columns. All option params given
* also get passed down to the `out()` method, which allow custom formatting. Passing something
* like `$this->columns($output, ['style' => 'red]` would print the table in red.
* @see lithium\console\Response::styles()
* @param array $rows The rows to print, with each column as an array element.
* @param array $options Optional params:
* - separator : Different column separator, defaults to `\t`
* - style : the style name to wrap around the columns output
* @return void
public function columns($rows, $options = []) {
$defaults = ['separator' => "\t", "error" => false];
$options += $defaults;
$lengths = array_reduce($rows, function($columns, $row) {
foreach ((array) $row as $key => $val) {
if (!isset($columns[$key]) || strlen($val) > $columns[$key]) {
$columns[$key] = strlen($val);
return $columns;
$rows = array_reduce($rows, function($rows, $row) use ($lengths, $options) {
$text = '';
foreach ((array) $row as $key => $val) {
$text = $text . str_pad($val, $lengths[$key]) . $options['separator'];
$rows[] = $text;
return $rows;
if ($options['error']) {
$this->error($rows, $options);
$this->out($rows, $options);
* Add newlines ("\n") a given number of times and return them in a single string.
* @param integer $number The number of new lines to fill into a string.
* @return string
public function nl($number = 1) {
return str_repeat("\n", $number);
* Adds a horizontal line to output stream.
* @param integer $length The length of the line, defaults to 80.
* @param integer $newlines How many new lines to print afterwards, defaults to 1.
* @return integer
public function hr($length = 80, $newlines = 1) {
return $this->out(str_repeat('-', $length), $newlines);
* Clears the entire screen.
* @return void
public function clear() {
passthru(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN' ? 'cls' : 'clear');
* Stop execution, by exiting the script.
* @param integer $status Numeric value that will be used on `exit()`.
* @param string|null $message An optional message that will be written to the stream.
* @return void
public function stop($status = 0, $message = null) {
if ($message) {
($status == 0) ? $this->out($message) : $this->error($message);
* Handles the response that is sent to the stream.
* @param string $type The stream either output or error.
* @param string|array $string The message to render.
* @param mixed $options When passed an integer or boolean it is used as the number of
* of new lines, when passed a string it is interpreted as style
* to use otherwise when an array following options are available:
* - `'nl'` _integer|boolean_: number of new lines to add at the
* end. `false` to disable adding a newline.
* - `'style'` _string_: the style name to wrap around the output.
* @return void
protected function _response($type, $string, $options) {
$defaults = ['nl' => 1, 'style' => null];
if (!is_array($options)) {
if (is_bool($options)) {
$options = ['nl' => (integer) $options];
} elseif (is_int($options)) {
$options = ['nl' => $options];
} elseif (is_string($options)) {
$options = ['style' => $options];
} else {
$options = [];
$options += $defaults;
if (is_array($string)) {
$method = ($type == 'error' ? $type : 'out');
foreach ($string as $out) {
$this->{$method}($out, $options);
if ($options['style'] !== null) {
$string = "{:{$options['style']}}{$string}{:end}";
if ($options['nl']) {
$string = $string . $this->nl((integer) $options['nl']);
return $this->response->{$type}($string);
* Exit immediately. Primarily used for overrides during testing.
* @param integer|string $status integer range 0 to 254, string printed on exit
* @return void
protected function _stop($status = 0) {