
Implements Iterator
abstract class

The Result class is a wrapper around a forward-only data soure result cursor and can be used to iterate over it.

Just a forward-only cursor is required, not necessarily a rolling cursor. Not all data sources can support rolling cursors, that's why forward-only cursors have been chosen here as the least common denominator for the abstraction.

Rolling cursors cannot be emulated from an underlying forward-only cursor in a (memory) efficient way. Result does not try to and will deliberately not keep already yielded results in an internal cache.

To allow full (back and forth) iteration over the yielded results, a wrapping class (i.e. Collection) may keep such a cache while draining the Result from outside.

Because of these characteristics an instance of Result may be used only once. After draining the result it cannot be rewinded or reset. This is similar to the behavior of the NoRewindIterator, where rewind calls have no effect.

The first result will be eager loaded from the cursor, as it is expected the result will be used at least once.

The class also provides a mechanism which buffers results when peeking for next ones. The buffered results will then be used when continuing to iterate over the result object.



abstract class Result extends \lithium\core\ObjectDeprecated implements \Iterator {

	 * The current position of the iterator.
	 * @var integer
	protected $_iterator = 0;

	 * Contains the current element of the result set.
	 * @var mixed
	protected $_current = null;

	 * Indicates whether the current position is valid or not.
	 * @see lithium\data\source\Result::valid()
	 * @var boolean
	protected $_valid = false;

	 * Key of the current result.
	 * @var integer|null
	protected $_key = null;

	 * The bound resource.
	 * @var object|resource|null
	protected $_resource = null;

	 * Autoconfig.
	 * @var array
	protected $_autoConfig = ['resource'];

	 * Buffer results of query before returning / iterating. Allows consumers to 'peek' at results.
	 * @var array
	protected $_buffer = [];

	 * Returns the used resource.
	 * @return object|resource
	public function resource() {
		return $this->_resource;

	 * Initializer. Eager loads the first result.
	 * @return void
	protected function _init() {

	 * Contains the current result.
	 * @return array The current result (or `null` if there is none).
	public function current() {
		return $this->_current;

	 * Returns the current key position on the result.
	 * @return integer|null The current key position or `null` if there is none.
	public function key() {
		return $this->_key;

	 * Fetches the next element from the resource.
	 * @return mixed The next result (or `null` if there is none).
	public function next() {
		if ($this->_buffer) {
			list($this->_key, $this->_current) = array_shift($this->_buffer);
			return $this->_current;

		if (!$next = $this->_fetch()) {
			$this->_key = null;
			$this->_current = null;
			$this->_valid = false;

			return null;
		} else {
			list($this->_key, $this->_current) = $next;
			$this->_valid = true;
		return $this->_current;

	 * Peeks at the next element in the resource without advancing `Result`'s cursor.
	 * @return mixed The next result (or `null` if there is none).
	public function peek() {
		if ($this->_buffer) {
			return reset($this->_buffer);
		if (!$next = $this->_fetch()) {
			return null;
		$this->_buffer[] = $next;
		$first = reset($this->_buffer);
		return end($first);

	 * Noop to fulfill the `Iterator` interface. `Result` is forward-only.
	 * @return void
	public function rewind() {}

	 * Checks if current position is valid.
	 * @return boolean `true` if valid, `false` otherwise.
	public function valid() {
		return $this->_valid;

	 * Close the resource.
	 * @return void
	public function close() {
		$this->_resource = null;

	 * Destructor.
	 * @return void
	public function __destruct() {

	 * Fetches the next result from the resource.
	 * @return array|boolean|null Returns a key/value pair for the next result,
	 *         `null` if there is none, `false` if something bad happened.
	abstract protected function _fetch();