
abstract class

This is the base class for Lithium's data abstraction layer.

In addition to utility methods and standardized properties, it defines the implementation tasks for all Lithium classes that work with external data, such as connections to remote resources (connect() and disconnect()), introspecting available data objects (sources() and describe()), and a standard read/write interface (create(), read(), update() and delete()).

Subclasses may implement any other non-standard functionality, but the above methods define the requirements for interacting with Model objects, and other classes within lithium\data.



abstract class Source extends \lithium\core\Object {

	 * The list of object properties to be automatically assigned from configuration passed to
	 * `__construct()`.
	 * @var array
	protected $_autoConfig = ['classes' => 'merge'];

	 * Default entity and set classes used by subclasses of `Source`.
	 * @var array
	protected $_classes = [
		'entity' => 'lithium\data\Entity',
		'set' => 'lithium\data\Collection',
		'relationship' => 'lithium\data\model\Relationship'

	 * Stores a connection to a remote resource. Usually a database connection (`resource` type),
	 * or an HTTP connection object ('object' type).
	 * @var mixed
	public $connection = null;

	 * Stores the status of this object's connection. Updated when `connect()` or `disconnect()` are
	 * called, or if an error occurs that closes the object's connection.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $_isConnected = false;

	 * Holds cached methods.
	 * @see lithium\data\Source::methods()
	 * @var array
	protected $_cachedMethods = [];

	 * With no parameter, checks a specific supported feature.
	 * @param string $feature Test for support for a specific feature, i.e. `"transactions"` or
	 *        `"arrays"`.
	 * @return boolean Returns `true` if the particular feature (or if MongoDB) support is enabled,
	 *         otherwise `false`.
	public static function enabled($feature = null) {
		return false;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param array $config Available options are:
	 *        - `'autoConnect'` _boolean_: If `true`, a connection is made on
	 *           initialization. Defaults to `true`.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(array $config = []) {
		$defaults = ['autoConnect' => true];
		parent::__construct($config + $defaults);

	 * Destructor. Ensures the connection is closed, before the object is destroyed.
	 * @return void
	public function __destruct() {
		if ($this->isConnected()) {

	protected function _init() {
		if ($this->_config['autoConnect']) {

	 * Checks the connection status of this data source. If the `'autoConnect'` option is set to
	 * true and the source connection is not currently active, a connection attempt will be made
	 * before returning the result of the connection status.
	 * @param array $options The options available for this method:
	 *        - 'autoConnect': If true, and the connection is not currently active, calls
	 *        `connect()` on this object. Defaults to `false`.
	 * @return boolean Returns the current value of `$_isConnected`, indicating whether or not
	 *         the object's connection is currently active.  This value may not always be accurate,
	 *         as the connection could have timed out or otherwise been dropped by the remote
	 *         resource during the course of the request.
	public function isConnected(array $options = []) {
		$defaults = ['autoConnect' => false];
		$options += $defaults;

		if (!$this->_isConnected && $options['autoConnect']) {
			try {
			} catch (NetworkException $e) {
				$this->_isConnected = false;
		return $this->_isConnected;

	 * Quotes data-source-native identifiers, where applicable.
	 * @param string $name Identifier name.
	 * @return string Returns `$name`, quoted if applicable.
	public function name($name) {
		return $name;

	 * Abstract. Must be defined by child classes.
	abstract public function connect();

	 * Abstract. Must be defined by child classes.
	abstract public function disconnect();

	 * Returns a list of objects (sources) that models can bind to, i.e. a list of tables in the
	 * case of a database, or REST collections, in the case of a web service.
	 * @param string $class The fully-name-spaced class name of the object making the request.
	 * @return array Returns an array of objects to which models can connect.
	abstract public function sources($class = null);

	 * Gets the column schema for a given entity (such as a database table).
	 * @param mixed $entity Specifies the table name for which the schema should be returned, or
	 *        the class name of the model object requesting the schema, in which case the model
	 *        class will be queried for the correct table name.
	 * @param array $schema
	 * @param array $meta The meta-information for the model class, which this method may use in
	 *        introspecting the schema.
	 * @return array Returns a `Schema` object describing the given model's schema, where the
	 *         array keys are the available fields, and the values are arrays describing each
	 *         field, containing the following keys:
	 *         - `'type'`: The field type name
	abstract public function describe($entity, $schema = [], array $meta = []);

	 * Defines or modifies the default settings of a relationship between two models.
	 * @param $class the primary model of the relationship
	 * @param $type the type of the relationship (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo)
	 * @param $name the name of the relationship
	 * @param array $options relationship options
	 * @return array Returns an array containing the configuration for a model relationship.
	abstract public function relationship($class, $type, $name, array $options = []);

	 * Create a record. This is the abstract method that is implemented by specific data sources.
	 * This method should take a query object and use it to create a record in the data source.
	 * @param mixed $query An object which defines the update operation(s) that should be performed
	 *        against the data store.  This can be a `Query`, a `RecordSet`, a `Record`, or a
	 *        subclass of one of the three. Alternatively, `$query` can be an adapter-specific
	 *        query string.
	 * @param array $options The options from Model include,
	 *              - `validate` _boolean_ default: true
	 *              - `events` _string_ default: create
	 *              - `whitelist` _array_ default: null
	 *              - `callbacks` _boolean_ default: true
	 *              - `locked` _boolean_ default: true
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the operation was a success, otherwise false.
	abstract public function create($query, array $options = []);

	 * Abstract. Must be defined by child classes.
	 * @param mixed $query
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the operation was a success, otherwise false.
	abstract public function read($query, array $options = []);

	 * Updates a set of records in a concrete data store.
	 * @param mixed $query An object which defines the update operation(s) that should be performed
	 *        against the data store.  This can be a `Query`, a `RecordSet`, a `Record`, or a
	 *        subclass of one of the three. Alternatively, `$query` can be an adapter-specific
	 *        query string.
	 * @param array $options Options to execute, which are defined by the concrete implementation.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the update operation was a success, otherwise false.
	abstract public function update($query, array $options = []);

	 * Abstract. Must be defined by child classes.
	 * @param mixed $query
	 * @param array $options
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the operation was a success, otherwise false.
	abstract public function delete($query, array $options = []);

	 * Returns the list of methods which format values imported from `Query` objects. Should be
	 * overridden in subclasses.
	 * @see lithium\data\model\Query
	 * @return array
	public function methods() {
		return $this->_cachedMethods ?: ($this->_cachedMethods = get_class_methods($this));

	 * A method which can be optionally implemented to configure a model class.
	 * @see lithium\data\Model::$_meta
	 * @see lithium\data\Model::$_finders
	 * @see lithium\data\Model::$_classes
	 * @param string $class The name of the model class to be configured.
	 * @return array This method should return an array one or more of the following keys: `'meta'`,
	 *         `'classes'` or `'finders'`. These keys maps to the three corresponding properties in
	 *         `lithium\data\Model`, and are used to override the base-level default settings and
	 *         dependencies.
	public function configureClass($class) {
		return [
			'classes' => $this->_classes,
			'meta' => ['key' => 'id', 'locked' => true]

	 * Applying a strategy to a `lithium\data\model\Query` object
	 * @param array $options The option array
	 * @param object $context A query object to configure
	public function applyStrategy($options, $context) {}

	 * Returns the field name of a relation name (underscore).
	 * @param string The type of the relation.
	 * @param string The name of the relation.
	 * @return string
	public function relationFieldName($type, $name) {
		$fieldName = Inflector::underscore($name);
		if (preg_match('/Many$/', $type)) {
			$fieldName = Inflector::pluralize($fieldName);
		} else {
			$fieldName = Inflector::singularize($fieldName);
		return $fieldName;