
public method

Generates a <select /> list using the $list parameter for the <option /> tags. The default selection will be set to the value of $options['value'], if specified.

For example:

$this->form->select('colors', [1 => 'red', 2 => 'green', 3 => 'blue'], [
	'id' => 'Colors', 'value' => 2
// Renders a '<select />' list with options 'red', 'green' and 'blue', with the 'green'
// option as the selection


  • string $name

    The name attribute of the <select /> element.

  • array $list

    An associative array of key/value pairs, which will be used to render the list of options.

  • array $options

    Any HTML attributes that should be associated with the <select /> element. If the 'value' key is set, this will be the value of the option that is selected by default.



Returns an HTML <select /> element.


	public function select($name, $list = [], array $options = []) {
		$defaults = ['empty' => false, 'value' => null];
		list($name, $options, $template) = $this->_defaults(__FUNCTION__, $name, $options);
		list($scope, $options) = $this->_options($defaults, $options);

		if ($scope['empty']) {
			$list = ['' => ($scope['empty'] === true) ? '' : $scope['empty']] + $list;
		if ($template === __FUNCTION__ && $scope['multiple']) {
			$template = 'select-multi';
		$raw = $this->_selectOptions($list, $scope);
		return $this->_render(__METHOD__, $template, compact('name', 'options', 'raw'));