A Redis cache adapter implementation using phpredis
This adapter does not aim to provide a full implementation of the Redis API, but rather only a subset of its features that are useful in the context of a semi-persistent cache.
This adapter depends on the phpredis
PHP extension and on a running
instance of Redis server being available.
This adapter natively handles atomic multi-key reads/writes/deletes and supports atomic increment/decrement operations as well as clearing the entire cache. Scope support is natively available. Delegation of method calls to the connection object is available.
Serialization of values is not handled natively, the Serializer
strategy must be used
if you plan to store non-scalar values or need to keep type on values. Full cached item
persistence is not guaranteed it depends on the how the Redis server is actually configured
and accessed.
A simple configuration can be accomplished as follows:
'cache-config-name' => [
'adapter' => 'Redis',
'host' => '',
'strategies => ['Serializer']
The 'host'
key accepts a string argument in the format of ip:port where
the Redis server can be found.
class Redis extends \lithium\storage\cache\Adapter {
* The default host used to connect to the server.
const DEFAULT_HOST = '';
* The default port used to connect to the server.
const DEFAULT_PORT = 6379;
* Redis object instance used by this adapter.
* @var object Redis object
public $connection;
* Constructor.
* @todo Implement configurable & optional authentication
* @see lithium\storage\Cache::config()
* @see lithium\storage\cache\adapter\Redis::write()
* @param array $config Configuration for this cache adapter. These settings are queryable
* through `Cache::config('name')`. The available options are as follows:
* - `'scope'` _string_: Scope which will prefix keys; per default not set.
* - `'expiry'` _mixed_: The default expiration time for cache values, if no value
* is otherwise set. Can be either a `strtotime()` compatible tring or TTL in
* seconds. To indicate items should not expire use `Cache::PERSIST`. Defaults
* to `+1 hour`.
* - `'host'` _string_: A string in the form of `'<host>'`, `'<host>:<port>'` or
* `':<port>'` indicating the host and/or port to connect to. When one or both are
* not provided uses general server defaults.
* To use Unix sockets specify the path to the socket (i.e. `'/path/to/socket'`).
* - `'persistent'` _boolean_: Indicates whether the adapter should use a persistent
* connection when attempting to connect to the Redis server. If `true`, it will
* attempt to reuse an existing connection when connecting, and the connection will
* not close when the request is terminated. Defaults to `false`.
* @return void
public function __construct(array $config = []) {
$defaults = [
'scope' => null,
'expiry' => '+1 hour',
'host' => static::DEFAULT_HOST . ':' . static::DEFAULT_PORT,
'persistent' => false
parent::__construct($config + $defaults);
* Initialize the Redis connection object, connect to the Redis server and sets
* prefix using the scope if provided.
* @return void
protected function _init() {
if (!$this->connection) {
$this->connection = new RedisCore();
$method = $this->_config['persistent'] ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
if (HostString::isSocket($this->_config['host'])) {
} else {
$host = HostString::parse($this->_config['host']) + [
'host' => static::DEFAULT_HOST,
'port' => static::DEFAULT_PORT
$this->connection->{$method}($host['host'], $host['port']);
if ($this->_config['scope']) {
$this->connection->setOption(RedisCore::OPT_PREFIX, "{$this->_config['scope']}:");
* Dispatches a not-found method to the connection object. That way, one can
* easily use a custom method on the adapter. If you want to know, what methods
* are available, have a look at the documentation of phpredis.
* ```
* Cache::adapter('redis')->methodName($argument);
* ```
* One use-case might be to query possible keys, e.g.
* ```
* Cache::adapter('redis')->keys('*');
* ```
* @link
* @param string $method Name of the method to call.
* @param array $params Parameter list to use when calling $method.
* @return mixed Returns the result of the method call.
public function __call($method, $params = []) {
return call_user_func_array([&$this->connection, $method], $params);
* Determines if a given method can be called.
* @param string $method Name of the method.
* @param boolean $internal Provide `true` to perform check from inside the
* class/object. When `false` checks also for public visibility;
* defaults to `false`.
* @return boolean Returns `true` if the method can be called, `false` otherwise.
public function respondsTo($method, $internal = false) {
if (parent::respondsTo($method, $internal)) {
return true;
return is_callable([$this->connection, $method]);
* Write values to the cache. All items to be cached will receive an
* expiration time of `$expiry`.
* @param array $keys Key/value pairs with keys to uniquely identify the to-be-cached item.
* @param string|integer $expiry A `strtotime()` compatible cache time or TTL in seconds.
* To persist an item use `\lithium\storage\Cache::PERSIST`.
* @return boolean `true` on successful write, `false` otherwise.
public function write(array $keys, $expiry = null) {
$expiry = $expiry || $expiry === Cache::PERSIST ? $expiry : $this->_config['expiry'];
if (!$expiry || $expiry === Cache::PERSIST) {
$ttl = null;
} elseif (is_int($expiry)) {
$ttl = $expiry;
} else {
$ttl = strtotime($expiry) - time();
if (count($keys) > 1) {
if (!$ttl) {
return $this->connection->mset($keys);
$transaction = $this->connection->multi();
foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
if (!$this->connection->setex($key, $ttl, $value)) {
return false;
return $transaction->exec() === array_fill(0, count($keys), true);
$key = key($keys);
$value = current($keys);
if (!$ttl) {
return $this->connection->set($key, $value);
return $this->connection->setex($key, $ttl, $value);
* Read values from the cache. Will attempt to return an array of data
* containing key/value pairs of the requested data.
* @param array $keys Keys to uniquely identify the cached items.
* @return array Cached values keyed by cache keys on successful read,
* keys which could not be read will not be included in
* the results array.
public function read(array $keys) {
if (count($keys) > 1) {
$results = [];
$data = $this->connection->mGet($keys);
foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
$key = $keys[$key];
if ($item === false && !$connection->exists($key)) {
$results[$key] = $item;
return $results;
$result = $this->connection->get($key = current($keys));
return $result === false ? [] : [$key => $result];
* Will attempt to remove specified keys from the user space cache.
* @param array $keys Keys to uniquely identify the cached items.
* @return boolean `true` on successful delete, `false` otherwise.
public function delete(array $keys) {
return (boolean) $this->connection->delete($keys);
* Performs an atomic decrement operation on specified numeric cache item.
* Note that if the value of the specified key is *not* an integer, the decrement
* operation will have no effect whatsoever. Redis chooses to not typecast values
* to integers when performing an atomic decrement operation.
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to decrement.
* @param integer $offset Offset to decrement - defaults to `1`.
* @return integer|boolean The item's new value on successful decrement, else `false`.
public function decrement($key, $offset = 1) {
return $this->connection->decr($key, $offset);
* Performs an atomic increment operation on specified numeric cache item.
* Note that if the value of the specified key is *not* an integer, the increment
* operation will have no effect whatsoever. Redis chooses to not typecast values
* to integers when performing an atomic increment operation.
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to increment.
* @param integer $offset Offset to increment - defaults to `1`.
* @return integer|boolean The item's new value on successful increment, else `false`.
public function increment($key, $offset = 1) {
return $this->connection->incr($key, $offset);
* Clears entire database by flushing it. All cache keys using the
* configuration but *without* honoring the scope are removed.
* The behavior and result when removing a single key
* during this process fails is unknown.
* @return boolean `true` on successful clearing, `false` otherwise.
public function clear() {
return $this->connection->flushdb();
* Determines if the Redis extension has been installed and
* that there is a Redis server available.
* @return boolean Returns `true` if the Redis extension is enabled, `false` otherwise.
public static function enabled() {
return extension_loaded('redis');