
protected static property

A list of code to be generated for the Mock.

The Mock class directly extends the class you wish to mock but only interacts with the Delegate directly. This class is the public interface for users.


	protected static $_mockIngredients = array(
		'startClass' => array(
			'namespace {:namespace};',
			'class Mock extends \{:mocker} {',
			'    public $mocker;',
			'    public $results = array();',
			'    public static $staticResults = array();',
			'    protected $_safeVars = array(',
			'        "_classes",',
			'        "_methodFilters",',
			'        "mocker",',
			'        "_safeVars",',
			'        "results",',
			'        "staticResults",',
			'    );',
		'get' => array(
			'public function {:reference}__get($name) {',
			'    $data ={:reference} $this->mocker->$name;',
			'    return $data;',
		'set' => array(
			'public function __set($name, $value = null) {',
			'    return $this->mocker->$name = $value;',
		'isset' => array(
			'public function __isset($name) {',
			'    return isset($this->mocker->$name);',
		'unset' => array(
			'public function __unset($name) {',
			'    unset($this->mocker->$name);',
		'constructor' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function __construct({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    array_push($args, $this);',
			'    foreach (get_class_vars(get_class($this)) as $key => $value) {',
			'        if (isset($this->{$key}) && !in_array($key, $this->_safeVars)) {',
			'            unset($this->$key);',
			'        }',
			'    }',
			'    $class = new \ReflectionClass(\'{:namespace}\MockDelegate\');',
			'    $class->newInstanceArgs($args);',
		'destructor' => array(
			'public function __destruct() {}',
		'staticMethod' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $args["hash"] = "1f3870be274f6c49b3e31a0c6728957f";',
			'    $method = \'{:namespace}\MockDelegate::{:method}\';',
			'    $result = {:master}::invokeMethod("_filter", array(',
			'        __CLASS__, ',
			'        "{:method}",',
			'        $args,',
			'        function($self, $args) use(&$method) {',
			'            return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
			'        }',
			'    ));',
			'    if (!isset(self::$staticResults["{:method}"])) {',
			'        self::$staticResults["{:method}"] = array();',
			'    }',
			'    self::$staticResults["{:method}"][] = array(',
			'        "args" => func_get_args(),',
			'        "result" => $result,',
			'        "time" => microtime(true),',
			'    );',
			'    return $result;',
		'method' => array(
			'{:modifiers} function {:method}({:args}) {',
			'    $args = compact({:stringArgs});',
			'    $args["hash"] = spl_object_hash($this->mocker);',
			'    $method = array($this->mocker, "{:method}");',
			'    $result = {:master}::invokeMethod("_filter", array(',
			'        __CLASS__,',
			'        "{:method}",',
			'        $args,',
			'        function($self, $args) use(&$method) {',
			'           return call_user_func_array($method, $args);',
			'        }',
			'    ));',
			'    if (!isset($this->results["{:method}"])) {',
			'        $this->results["{:method}"] = array();',
			'    }',
			'    $this->results["{:method}"][] = array(',
			'        "args" => func_get_args(),',
			'        "result" => $result,',
			'        "time" => microtime(true),',
			'    );',
			'    return $result;',
		'applyFilter' => array(
			'public {:static} function applyFilter($method, $filter = null) {',
			'    return {:master}::applyFilter(__CLASS__, $method, $filter);',
		'endClass' => array(