
public static method

Creates an associative array using a $path1 as the path to build its keys, and optionally $path2 as path to get the values. If $path2 is not specified, all values will be initialized to null (useful for Set::merge()). You can optionally group the values by what is obtained when following the path specified in $groupPath.


  • array $data

    Array from where to extract keys and values.

  • mixed $path1

    As an array, or as a dot-delimited string.

  • mixed $path2

    As an array, or as a dot-delimited string.

  • string $groupPath

    As an array, or as a dot-delimited string.



Combined array.


	public static function combine($data, $path1 = null, $path2 = null, $groupPath = null) {
		if (!$data) {
			return [];
		if (is_object($data)) {
			$data = get_object_vars($data);
		if (is_array($path1)) {
			$format = array_shift($path1);
			$keys = static::format($data, $format, $path1);
		} else {
			$keys = static::extract($data, $path1);
		$vals = [];
		if (!empty($path2) && is_array($path2)) {
			$format = array_shift($path2);
			$vals = static::format($data, $format, $path2);
		} elseif (!empty($path2)) {
			$vals = static::extract($data, $path2);
		$valCount = count($vals);
		$count = count($keys);

		for ($i = $valCount; $i < $count; $i++) {
			$vals[$i] = null;
		if ($groupPath) {
			$group = static::extract($data, $groupPath);
			if (!empty($group)) {
				$c = count($keys);
				for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
					if (!isset($group[$i])) {
						$group[$i] = 0;
					if (!isset($out[$group[$i]])) {
						$out[$group[$i]] = [];
					$out[$group[$i]][$keys[$i]] = $vals[$i];
				return $out;
		return array_combine($keys, $vals);