
protected method

Normalizes Exception objects and PHP error data into a single array format then the error data is logged to the test results.


  • mixed $exception

    An Exception object instance, or an array containing the following keys: 'name', 'message', 'file', 'line', 'trace' (in debug_backtrace() format) and optionally 'code' (error code number) and 'context' (an array of variables relevant to the scope of where the error occurred).

  • integer $lineFlag

    A flag used for determining the relevant scope of the call stack. Set to the line number where test methods are called.




	protected function _handleException($exception, $lineFlag = null) {
		$data = $exception;

		if (is_object($exception)) {
			$data = ['name' => get_class($exception)];

			foreach (['message', 'file', 'line', 'trace', 'code'] as $key) {
				$method = 'get' . ucfirst($key);
				$data[$key] = $exception->{$method}();

			if ($exception instanceof ErrorException) {
				$mapSeverity = function($severity) {
					foreach (get_defined_constants(true)['Core'] as $constant => $value) {
						if (substr($constant, 0, 2) === 'E_' && $value === $severity) {
							return $constant;
					return 'E_UNKNOWN';
				$data['code'] = $mapSeverity($exception->getSeverity());

			$ref = $exception->getTrace();
			$ref = $ref[0] + ['class' => null];

			if ($ref['class'] === __CLASS__ && $ref['function'] === 'skipIf') {
				return $this->_result('skip', $data);
		return $this->_reportException($data, $lineFlag);