
public method

Filters a piece of content through a content handler. A handler can be:

  • a string containing the name of a method defined in $helper. The method is called with 3 parameters: the value to be handled, the helper method called ($method) and the $options that were passed into applyHandler.
  • an array where the first element is an object reference, and the second element is a method name. The method name given will be called on the object with the same parameters as above.
  • a closure, which takes the value as the first parameter, an array containing an instance of the calling helper and the calling method name as the second, and $options as the third. In all cases, handlers should return the transformed version of $value.


  • object $helper

    The instance of the object (usually a helper) that is invoking

  • string $method

    The object (helper) method which is applying the handler to the content

  • string $name

    The name of the value to which the handler is applied, i.e. 'url', 'path' or 'title'.

  • mixed $value

    The value to be transformed by the handler, which is ultimately returned.

  • array $options

    Any options which should be passed to the handler used in this call.



The transformed value of $value, after it has been processed by a handler.


	public function applyHandler($helper, $method, $name, $value, array $options = []) {
		if (!(isset($this->_handlers[$name]) && $handler = $this->_handlers[$name])) {
			return $value;

		switch (true) {
			case is_string($handler) && !$helper:
				$helper = $this->helper('html');
			case is_string($handler) && is_object($helper):
				return $helper->invokeMethod($handler, [$value, $method, $options]);
			case is_array($handler) && is_object($handler[0]):
				list($object, $func) = $handler;
				return $object->invokeMethod($func, [$value, $method, $options]);
			case is_callable($handler):
				return $handler($value, [$helper, $method], $options);
				return $value;