This strategy allows you to encrypt your Session
and / or Cookie
data so that it
is not stored in cleartext on the client side. You must provide a secret key, otherwise
an exception is raised.
To use this class, you need to have the mcrypt
extension enabled.
Example configuration:
Session::config(['default' => [
'adapter' => 'Cookie',
'strategies' => ['Encrypt' => ['secret' => 'f00bar$l1thium']]
By default, this strategy uses the AES algorithm in the CBC mode. This means that an
initialization vector has to be generated and transported with the payload data. This
is done transparently, but you may want to keep this in mind (the ECB mode doesn't require
an initialization vector but is not recommended to use as it's insecure). You can override this
defaults by passing a different cipher
and/or mode
to the config like this:
Session::config(['default' => [
'adapter' => 'Cookie',
'strategies' => ['Encrypt' => [
'cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,
'mode' => MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, // Don't use ECB when you don't have to!
'secret' => 'f00bar$l1thium'
Please keep in mind that it is generally not a good idea to store sensitive information in cookies (or generally on the client side) and this class is no exception to the rule. It allows you to store client side data in a more secure way, but 100% security can't be achieved.
Also note that if you provide a secret that is shorter than the maximum key length of the
algorithm used, the secret will be hashed to make it more secure. This also means that if you
want to use your own hashing algorithm, make sure it has the maximum key length of the algorithm
used. See the Encrypt::_hashSecret()
method for more information on this.
class Encrypt extends \lithium\core\Object {
* Holds the initialization vector.
protected static $_vector = null;
* Holds the crypto resource after initialization.
protected static $_resource = null;
* Default configuration.
protected $_defaults = [
'cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
* Constructor.
* @param array $config Configuration array. You can override the default cipher and mode.
* @return void
public function __construct(array $config = []) {
if (!static::enabled()) {
throw new ConfigException('The mcrypt extension is not installed or enabled.');
if (!isset($config['secret'])) {
throw new ConfigException('Encrypt strategy requires a secret key.');
parent::__construct($config + $this->_defaults);
$cipher = $this->_config['cipher'];
$mode = $this->_config['mode'];
static::$_resource = mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, '');
$this->_config['vector'] = static::_vector();
* Destructor. Closes the crypto resource when it is no longer needed.
* @return void
public function __destruct() {
* Read encryption method.
* @param array $data the Data being read.
* @param array $options Options for this method.
* @return mixed Returns the decrypted key or the dataset.
public function read($data, array $options = []) {
$class = $options['class'];
$encrypted = $class::read(null, ['strategies' => false]);
$key = isset($options['key']) ? $options['key'] : null;
if (!isset($encrypted['__encrypted']) || !$encrypted['__encrypted']) {
return isset($encrypted[$key]) ? $encrypted[$key] : null;
$current = $this->_decrypt($encrypted['__encrypted']);
if ($key) {
return isset($current[$key]) ? $current[$key] : null;
} else {
return $current;
* Write encryption method.
* @param mixed $data The data to be encrypted.
* @param array $options Options for this method.
* @return string Returns the written data in cleartext.
public function write($data, array $options = []) {
$class = $options['class'];
$futureData = $this->read(null, ['key' => null] + $options) ?: [];
$futureData = [$options['key'] => $data] + $futureData;
$payload = empty($futureData) ? null : $this->_encrypt($futureData);
$class::write('__encrypted', $payload, ['strategies' => false] + $options);
return $payload;
* Delete encryption method.
* @param mixed $data The data to be encrypted.
* @param array $options Options for this method.
* @return string Returns the deleted data in cleartext.
public function delete($data, array $options = []) {
$class = $options['class'];
$futureData = $this->read(null, ['key' => null] + $options) ?: [];
$payload = empty($futureData) ? null : $this->_encrypt($futureData);
$class::write('__encrypted', $payload, ['strategies' => false] + $options);
return $data;
* Serialize and encrypt a given data array.
* @param array $decrypted The cleartext data to be encrypted.
* @return string A Base64 encoded and encrypted string.
protected function _encrypt($decrypted = []) {
$vector = $this->_config['vector'];
$secret = $this->_hashSecret($this->_config['secret']);
mcrypt_generic_init(static::$_resource, $secret, $vector);
$encrypted = mcrypt_generic(static::$_resource, serialize($decrypted));
return base64_encode($encrypted) . base64_encode($vector);
* Decrypt and unserialize a previously encrypted string.
* @param string $encrypted The base64 encoded and encrypted string.
* @return array The cleartext data.
protected function _decrypt($encrypted) {
$secret = $this->_hashSecret($this->_config['secret']);
$vectorSize = strlen(base64_encode(str_repeat(" ", static::_vectorSize())));
$vector = base64_decode(substr($encrypted, -$vectorSize));
$data = base64_decode(substr($encrypted, 0, -$vectorSize));
mcrypt_generic_init(static::$_resource, $secret, $vector);
$decrypted = mdecrypt_generic(static::$_resource, $data);
return unserialize(trim($decrypted));
* Determines if the Mcrypt extension has been installed.
* @return boolean `true` if enabled, `false` otherwise.
public static function enabled() {
return extension_loaded('mcrypt');
* Hashes the given secret to make harder to detect.
* This method figures out the appropriate key size for the chosen encryption algorithm and
* then hashes the given key accordingly. Note that if the key has already the needed length,
* it is considered to be hashed (secure) already and is therefore not hashed again. This lets
* you change the hashing method in your own code if you like.
* The default `MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128` key should be 32 byte long `sha256` is used as the hashing
* algorithm. If the key size is shorter than the one generated by `sha256`, the first n bytes
* will be used.
* @link
* @param string $key The possibly too weak key.
* @return string The hashed (raw) key.
protected function _hashSecret($key) {
$size = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(static::$_resource);
if (strlen($key) >= $size) {
return $key;
return substr(hash('sha256', $key, true), 0, $size);
* Generates an initialization vector.
* @return string Returns an initialization vector.
* @link
protected static function _vector() {
if (static::$_vector) {
return static::$_vector;
return static::$_vector = mcrypt_create_iv(static::_vectorSize(), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
* Returns the vector size vor a given cipher and mode.
* @return number The vector size.
* @link
protected static function _vectorSize() {
return mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(static::$_resource);