

A minimal adapter to interface with HTTP cookies.

This adapter provides basic support for write, read and delete cookie handling, as well as allowing these three methods to be filtered as per the Lithium filtering system.


class Cookie extends \lithium\core\Object {

	 * Default settings for this session adapter.
	 * @link
	 * @var array Keys are in direct correspondence with the parameters in the PHP-native
	 *      `setcookie()` method. The only difference is that the `expire` value is a
	 *      strtotime-compatible string instead of an epochal timestamp.
	protected $_defaults = [
		'expire' => '+2 days',
		'path' => '/',
		'domain' => '',
		'secure' => false,
		'httponly' => false,
		'name' => null

	 * Constructor.
	 * Takes care of setting appropriate configurations for this object.
	 * @param array $config Configuration for this adapter. These settings are queryable
	 *        through `Session::config('name')`. The available options are as follows:
	 *        - `'expire'` _string_: Defaults to `'+2 days'`.
	 *        - `'path'` _string_: Defaults to `'/'` and does not further restrict path access.
	 *        - `'domain'` _string_: Defaults to `''` and does not further restrict domain access.
	 *        - `'secure'` _boolean_: Defaults to `false`.
	 *        - `'httponly'` _boolean_: Defaults to `false`.
	 *        - `'name'` _string_: Defaults to the basename of the applications path.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(array $config = []) {
		if (empty($config['name'])) {
			$config['name'] = basename(Libraries::get(true, 'path')) . 'cookie';
		parent::__construct($config + $this->_defaults);

	 * Obtain the top-level cookie key.
	 * @return string The configured cookie 'name' parameter
	public function key() {
		return $this->_config['name'];

	 * Determines if cookies are enabled.
	 * @return boolean True
	 * @todo Implement
	public function isEnabled() {
		return true;

	 * Obtain the status of the cookie storage.
	 * @return boolean True if $_COOKIE has been initialized, false otherwise.
	public function isStarted() {
		return (isset($_COOKIE));

	 * Checks if a value has been set in the cookie.
	 * @param string $key Key of the entry to be checked.
	 * @return \Closure Function returning boolean `true` if the key exists, `false` otherwise.
	public function check($key) {
		return function($params) {
			return (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']][$params['key']]));

	 * Read a value from the cookie.
	 * @param null|string $key Key of the entry to be read. If $key is null, returns
	 *        all cookie key/value pairs that have been set.
	 * @param array $options Options array. Not used in this adapter.
	 * @return \Closure Function returning data in the session if successful, `null` otherwise.
	public function read($key = null, array $options = []) {
		return function($params) {
			$key = $params['key'];
			if (!$key) {
				if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']])) {
					return $_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']];
				return [];
			if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
				$key = explode('.', $key);

				if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']])) {
					$result = $_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']];
				} else {
					$result = [];

				foreach ($key as $k) {
					if (!isset($result[$k])) {
						return null;
					$result = $result[$k];
				return $result;
			if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']][$key])) {
				return $_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']][$key];

	 * Write a value to the cookie store.
	 * @param string $key Key of the item to be stored.
	 * @param mixed $value The value to be stored.
	 * @param array $options Options array.
	 * @return \Closure Function returning boolean `true` on successful write, `false` otherwise.
	public function write($key, $value = null, array $options = []) {
		$expire = (!isset($options['expire']) && empty($this->_config['expire']));
		$cookieClass = __CLASS__;

		if ($expire && $key !== $this->_config['name']) {
			return null;
		$expires = (isset($options['expire'])) ? $options['expire'] : $this->_config['expire'];

		return function($params) use (&$expires, $cookieClass) {
			$key = $params['key'];
			$value = $params['value'];
			$key = [$key => $value];
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$key = Set::flatten($key);

			foreach ($key as $name => $val) {
				$result = setcookie(
					$cookieClass::keyFormat($name, $this->_config),
				if (!$result) {
					throw new RuntimeException("There was an error setting {$name} cookie.");
			return true;

	 * Delete a value from the cookie store.
	 * @param string $key The key to be deleted from the cookie store.
	 * @param array $options Options array.
	 * @return \Closure Function returning boolean `true` on successful delete, `false` otherwise.
	public function delete($key, array $options = []) {
		$cookieClass = get_called_class();

		return function($params) use ($cookieClass) {
			$key = $params['key'];
			$path = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $this->_config['name'] . '.' . $key) . '/.';
			$cookies = current(Set::extract($_COOKIE, $path));
			if (is_array($cookies)) {
				$cookies = array_keys(Set::flatten($cookies));
				foreach ($cookies as &$name) {
					$name = $key . '.' . $name;
			} else {
				$cookies = [$key];
			foreach ($cookies as &$name) {
				$result = setcookie(
					$cookieClass::keyFormat($name, $this->_config),
				if (!$result) {
					throw new RuntimeException("There was an error deleting {$name} cookie.");
			return true;

	 * Clears all cookies.
	 * @param array $options Options array. Not used fro this adapter method.
	 * @return boolean True on successful clear, false otherwise.
	public function clear(array $options = []) {
		$options += ['destroySession' => true];
		$cookieClass = get_called_class();

		return function($params) use ($options, $cookieClass) {
			if ($options['destroySession'] && session_id()) {
			if (!isset($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']])) {
				return true;
			$cookies = array_keys(Set::flatten($_COOKIE[$this->_config['name']]));
			foreach ($cookies as $name) {
				$result = setcookie(
					$cookieClass::keyFormat($name, $this->_config),
				if (!$result) {
					throw new RuntimeException("There was an error clearing {$cookie} cookie.");
			return true;

	 * Formats the given `$name` argument for use in the cookie adapter.
	 * @param string $name The key to be formatted, e.g. ``.
	 * @param array $config
	 * @return string The formatted key.
	public static function keyFormat($name, $config) {
		return $config['name'] . '[' . str_replace('.', '][', $name) . ']';