
public static method

Reads from the specified cache configuration.

Can handle single- and multi-key reads.

Read-through caching can be used by passing expiry and the to-be-cached value in the write option. Following three ways to achieve this.

Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
	'write' => ['+5 days' => 'bar']
]); // returns `'bar'`

Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
	'write' => ['+5 days' => function() { return 'bar'; }]

Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
	'write' => function() { return ['+5 days' => 'bar']; }


  • string $name

    Configuration to be used for reading.

  • mixed $key

    Key to uniquely identify the cache entry or an array of keys for multikey-reads.

  • array $options

    Options for the method and strategies.

    • 'write': Allows for read-through caching see description for usage.
    • 'strategies' boolean: Indicates if strategies should be used, defaults to true.
    • 'conditions' mixed: A function or item that must return or evaluate to true in order to continue write operation.



For single-key reads will return the result if the cache key has been found otherwise returns null. When reading multiple keys a results array is returned mapping keys to retrieved values. Keys where the value couldn't successfully been read will not be contained in the results array.


This method can be filtered.


	public static function read($name, $key, array $options = []) {
		$options += ['conditions' => null, 'strategies' => true, 'write' => null];

		if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
			return false;
		try {
			$adapter = static::adapter($name);
		} catch (ConfigException $e) {
			return false;
		$key = static::key($key);

		if ($isMulti = is_array($key)) {
			$keys = $key;
		} else {
			$keys = [$key];
		$params = compact('keys');

		$results = Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
			return $adapter->read($params['keys']);

		if ($write = $options['write']) {
			$isEvaluated = false;

			foreach ($keys as $key) {
				if (isset($results[$key])) {
				if (!$isEvaluated) {
					$write = is_callable($write) ? $write() : $write;
					$expiry = key($write);
					$value = current($write);
					$value = is_callable($value) ? $value() : $value;

					$isEvaluated = true;
				if (!static::write($name, $key, $value, $expiry)) {
					return false;
				$results[$key] = static::applyStrategies('write', $name, $value, [
					'key' => $key, 'mode' => 'LIFO', 'class' => __CLASS__

		if ($options['strategies']) {
			foreach ($results as $key => &$result) {
				$result = static::applyStrategies(__FUNCTION__, $name, $result, [
					'key' => $key, 'mode' => 'LIFO', 'class' => __CLASS__
		return $isMulti ? $results : ($results ? reset($results) : null);