
public method

Attempts to parse a request object and determine its execution details.


  • \lithium\net\http\Request $request

    A request object containing the details of the request to be routed.

  • array $options

    Used to determine the operation of the method, and override certain values in the Request object:

    • 'url' string: If present, will be used to match in place of the $url property of $request.



If this route matches $request, returns the request with execution details attached to it (inside Request::$params). Alternatively when a route handler function was used, returns the result of its invocation. Returns false if the route never matched.


	public function parse($request, array $options = array()) {
		$defaults = array('url' => $request->url);
		$options += $defaults;
		$url = '/' . trim($options['url'], '/');
		$pattern = $this->_pattern;

		if (!preg_match($pattern, $url, $match)) {
			return false;
		foreach ($this->_meta as $key => $compare) {
			$value = $request->get($key);

			if (!($compare == $value || (is_array($compare) && in_array($value, $compare)))) {
				return false;
		foreach ($this->_config['modifiers'] as $key => $modifier) {
			if (isset($match[$key])) {
				$match[$key] = $modifier($match[$key]);

		$result = array_intersect_key($match + array('args' => array()), $this->_keys);
		foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
			if ($value === '') {
		$result += $this->_params + $this->_defaults;
		$request->params = $result + (array) $request->params;
		$request->persist = array_unique(array_merge($request->persist, $this->_persist));

		if ($this->_handler) {
			$handler = $this->_handler;
			return $handler($request);
		return $request;