Trait that adds support for behaviors to the Model class. Add this trait
to your model that you plan to use behaviors with, then define all behaviors
using the _actsAs
property in your model class.
// ...
class Posts extends \lithium\data\Model {
use li3_behaviors\data\model\Behaviors;
protected $_actsAs = [
'Sluggable' => ['fields' => ['title']]
// ...
This trait also makes some static methods available in the model, which allows to manage behaviors as follows.
// Bind the slug behavior with configuration.
Posts::bindBehavior('Slug', ['fields' => ['title]]);
// Accessing configuration.
// Unbinding it again.
Behaviors themselves must extend the Behavior class. See the class' docblock for more information on how to implement behaviors.
trait Behaviors {
* Stores all loaded behavior instances,
* keyed by model name then by behavior name.
* @var array
protected static $_behaviors = [];
* Indicates if we already intialized behaviors
* on a model.
* @var array Keyed by model class named mapped to boolean.
protected static $_initializedBehaviors = [];
* Overwrites `Model::_initialize()` in order to hook initialization of
* behaviors into model initialization phase. Note that `Model::_initialize()`
* is still called and its result returned unmodified.
* @param string $class The fully-namespaced model class name to initialize.
* @return object Returns the initialized model instance.
protected static function _initialize($class) {
$self = parent::_initialize($class);
return $self;
* Initializes behaviors from the `$_actsAs` property of the model.
* @return void
protected static function _initializeBehaviors() {
$model = get_called_class();
if (!empty(static::$_initializedBehaviors[$model])) {
static::$_initializedBehaviors[$model] = true;
$self = $model::_object();
if (!property_exists($self, '_actsAs')) {
foreach (Set::normalize($self->_actsAs) as $name => $config) {
static::bindBehavior($name, $config ?: []);
* Transfer static call to the behaviors first. Static behavior
* methods will get the name of the model as its first parameter
* and the instance of the behavior as a second paramter.
* @fixme Type hint $params, once parent allows.
* @param string $method Method name caught by `__callStatic()`.
* @param array $params Arguments given to the above `$method` call.
* @return mixed
public static function __callStatic($method, $params) {
$model = get_called_class();
if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model])) {
return parent::__callStatic($method, $params);
foreach (static::$_behaviors[$model] as $class => $behavior) {
if (method_exists($class, $method)) {
array_unshift($params, $behavior);
array_unshift($params, $model);
return call_user_func_array([$class, $method], $params);
return parent::__callStatic($method, $params);
* Transfer call from the entity class to the behaviors. Concrete
* behavior methods will receive the following parameters: `$model`
* `$behavior` and `$entity`.
* @fixme Type hint $params, once parent allows.
* @param string $method Method name caught by `__call()`.
* @param array $params Arguments given to the above `$method` call.
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $params) {
$model = get_called_class();
if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model])) {
return parent::__call($method, $params);
foreach (static::$_behaviors[$model] as $class => $behavior) {
if ($behavior->respondsTo($method)) {
array_unshift($params, $behavior);
array_unshift($params, $model);
return $behavior->invokeMethod($method, $params);
return parent::__call($method, $params);
* Returns a behavior instance. Configuration of
* the instance can be accessed as follows.
* ```
* Posts::behavior('Slug')->config();
* Posts::behavior('Slug')->config('fields');
* ```
* @param string $name The name of the behavior.
* @return \li3_behaviors\data\model\Behavior Intance of the behavior.
public static function behavior($name) {
list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);
if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Behavior `{$class}` not bound to model `{$model}`.");
return static::$_behaviors[$model][$class];
* Binds a new instance of a behavior to the model using given config or
* entirely replacing an existing behavior instance with new config.
* @param string|object $name The name of the behavior or an instance of it.
* @param array $config Configuration for the behavior instance.
public static function bindBehavior($name, array $config = []) {
list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);
if (is_object($name)) {
} else {
if (!class_exists($class)) {
$message = "Behavior class `{$class}` does not exist. ";
$message .= "Its name might be misspelled. Behavior was requested by ";
$message .= "model `{$model}`.";
throw new Exception($message);
$name = new $class($config + compact('model'));
static::$_behaviors[$model][$class] = $name;
* Unbinds an instance of a behavior from the model. Will throw
* an exception if behavior is not bound.
* @param string $name The name of the behavior.
public static function unbindBehavior($name) {
list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);
if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Behavior `{$class}` not bound to model `{$model}`.");
* Allows to check if a certain behavior is bound to the model.
* @param string $name The name of the behavior.
* @return boolean
public static function hasBehavior($name) {
try {
list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class]);
* Helper method to retrieve current model class and behavior class for name.
* @param string|object $name The name of the behavior or an instance of it.
* @return array An array usable with `list()` with the model and behavior classes.
protected static function _classesForBehavior($name) {
$model = get_called_class();
if (is_object($name)) {
$class = get_class($name);
} elseif (!$class = Libraries::locate('behavior', $name)) {
throw new RuntimeException("No behavior named `{$name}` found.");
return [$model, $class];