
Uses AutoConfigurable

The Http adapter provides basic and digest authentication based on the HTTP protocol. By default, the adapter uses Http Digest based authentication.

Auth::config(['name' => ['adapter' => 'Http', 'users' => ['gwoo' => 'li3']]])

To use Basic authentication, set the method to basic.

Auth::config(['name' => [
    'adapter' => 'Http', 'users' => ['gwoo' => 'li3'],
    'method' => 'basic'

When running PHP as a CGI/FCGI PHP doesn't automatically parse the authorization header into PHP_AUTH_* headers. Lithium will work arround this issue by looking for a HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header instead. When using PHP as a CGI/FCGI in combination with Apache you must additionally add the following rewrite rule to your configuration in order to make the header available so Lithium can pick it up:

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]


class Http {

	use AutoConfigurable;

	 * Dynamic class dependencies.
	 * @var array Associative array of class names & their namespaces.
	protected $_classes = [
		'auth' => 'lithium\net\http\Auth'

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param array $config
	 *        - `'method'`: default: `digest` options: `basic|digest`
	 *        - `'realm'`: default: `Protected by Lithium`
	 *        - `'users'`: the users to permit. key => value pair of username => password
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(array $config = []) {
		$realm = basename(Libraries::get(true, 'path'));
		$defaults = ['method' => 'digest', 'realm' => $realm, 'users' => []];
		$this->_autoConfig($config + $defaults, []);

	 * Called by the `Auth` class to run an authentication check against the HTTP data using the
	 * credentials in a data container (a `Request` object), and returns an array of user
	 * information on success, or `false` on failure.
	 * @param object $request A env container which wraps the authentication credentials used
	 *               by HTTP (usually a `Request` object). See the documentation for this
	 *               class for further details.
	 * @param array $options Additional configuration options. Not currently implemented in this
	 *              adapter.
	 * @return array Returns an array containing user information on success, or `false` on failure.
	public function check($request, array $options = []) {
		$method = "_{$this->_config['method']}";
		return $this->{$method}($request);

	 * A pass-through method called by `Auth`. Returns the value of `$data`, which is written to
	 * a user's session. When implementing a custom adapter, this method may be used to modify or
	 * reject data before it is written to the session.
	 * @param array $data User data to be written to the session.
	 * @param array $options Adapter-specific options. Not implemented in the `Form` adapter.
	 * @return array Returns the value of `$data`.
	public function set($data, array $options = []) {
		return $data;

	 * Called by `Auth` when a user session is terminated. Not implemented in the `Form` adapter.
	 * @param array $options Adapter-specific options. Not implemented in the `Form` adapter.
	 * @return void
	public function clear(array $options = []) {}

	 * Handler for HTTP Basic Authentication
	 * @param \lithium\action\Request $request
	 * @return void|array
	protected function _basic($request) {
		$users = $this->_config['users'];
		$username = $request->env('PHP_AUTH_USER');
		$auth = $this->_classes['auth'];
		$basic = $auth::encode($username, $request->env('PHP_AUTH_PW'));
		$encoded = ['response' => null];

		if (isset($users[$username])) {
			$encoded = $auth::encode($username, $users[$username]);
		if ($basic['response'] !== $encoded['response']) {
			$this->_writeHeader("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"{$this->_config['realm']}\"");
		return compact('username') + ['password' => null];

	 * Handler for HTTP Digest Authentication
	 * @param \lithium\action\Request $request
	 * @return boolean|array
	protected function _digest($request) {
		$username = $password = null;
		$auth = $this->_classes['auth'];
		$data = $auth::decode($request->env('PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'));
		$data['realm'] = $this->_config['realm'];
		$data['method'] = $request->method;
		$users = $this->_config['users'];

		if (!empty($data['username']) && !empty($users[$data['username']])) {
			$username = $data['username'];
			$password = $users[$data['username']];
		$encoded = $auth::encode($username, $password, $data);

		if ($encoded['response'] !== $data['response']) {
			$nonce = uniqid();
			$opaque = md5($data['realm']);
			$message = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"{$data['realm']}\",qop=\"auth\",";
			$message .= "nonce=\"{$nonce}\",opaque=\"{$opaque}\"";
			return false;
		return compact('username', 'password');

	 * Helper method for writing headers. Mainly used to override the output while testing.
	 * @param string $string the string the send as a header
	 * @return void
	protected function _writeHeader($string) {
		header($string, true);