
public method

Converts the data in the record set to a different format, i.e. an array. Available options: array, URL, stream context configuration, or string.


  • string $format

    Format to convert to. Should be either 'url', which returns a string representation of the URL that this request points to, or 'context', which returns an array usable with PHP's stream_context_create() function. For more available formats, see the parent method, lithium\net\Message::to().

  • array $options

    Allows overriding of specific portions of the URL, as follows. These options should only be specified if you intend to replace the values that are already in the Request object.

    • 'scheme' string: The protocol scheme of the URL.
    • 'method' string: If applicable, the HTTP method to use in the request. Mainly applies to the 'context' format.
    • 'host' string: The host name the request is pointing at.
    • 'port' string: The host port, if any.
    • 'path' string: The URL path.
    • 'query' mixed: The query string of the URL as a string or array.
    • 'auth' string: Authentication information. See the constructor for details.
    • 'content' string: The body of the request.
    • 'headers' array: The request headers.
    • 'version' string: The HTTP version of the request, where applicable.



Varies; see the $format parameter for possible return values.


	public function to($format, array $options = array()) {
		$defaults = array(
			'method' => $this->method,
			'scheme' => $this->scheme,
			'host' => $this->host,
			'port' => $this->port,
			'path' => $this->path,
			'query' => null,
			'auth' => $this->auth,
			'username' => $this->username,
			'password' => $this->password,
			'headers' => array(),
			'cookies' => array(),
			'proxy' => $this->_config['proxy'],
			'body' => null,
			'version' => $this->version,
			'ignore_errors' => $this->_config['ignoreErrors'],
			'follow_location' => $this->_config['followLocation'],
			'request_fulluri' => (boolean) $this->_config['proxy']
		$options += $defaults;

		if (is_string($options['query'])) {
			$options['query'] = "?" . $options['query'];
		} elseif ($options['query']) {
			$options['query'] = "?" . http_build_query($options['query']);
		} elseif ($options['query'] === null) {
			$options['query'] = $this->queryString();

		if ($options['auth']) {
			$data = array();

			if (is_array($options['auth']) && !empty($options['auth']['nonce'])) {
				$data = array('method' => $options['method'], 'uri' => $options['path']);
				$data += $options['auth'];
			$auth = $this->_classes['auth'];
			$data = $auth::encode($options['username'], $options['password'], $data);
			$this->headers('Authorization', $auth::header($data));
		if ($this->cookies($options['cookies'])) {
			$this->headers('Cookie', $this->_cookies());
		$body = $this->body($options['body']);

		if ($body || !in_array($options['method'], array('GET', 'HEAD', 'DELETE'))) {
			$this->headers('Content-Length', strlen($body));

		$conv = isset($this->_formats[$format]) ? $this->_formats[$format] : null;
		return $conv ? $conv($this, $options, $defaults) : parent::to($format, $options);