
protected property

Default query parameters for the model finders.

  • 'conditions': The conditional query elements, e.g. array('published' => true).
  • 'fields': The fields that should be retrieved. When unset or explitily set to null, '*' or left unset, defaults to all fields.
  • 'order': The order in which the data will be returned, e.g. array('id' => 'ASC') or array('modified' => 'DESC').
  • 'limit': The maximum number of records to return.
  • 'page': For pagination of data (equals limit * offset).
  • 'with': An array of relationship names to be included in the query.


	protected $_query = array(
		'fields'     => null,
		'conditions' => null,
		'having'     => null,
		'group'      => null,
		'order'      => null,
		'limit'      => null,
		'offset'     => null,
		'page'       => null,
		'with'       => array(),
		'joins'      => array()