
public method

Constructor. Adds config values to the public properties when a new object is created, pulling request data from superglobals if globals is set to true.

Normalizes casing of request headers.


  • array $config

    The available configuration options are the following. Further options are inherited from the parent classes.

    • 'base' string: Defaults to null.
    • 'url' string: Defaults to null.
    • 'data' array: Additional data to use when initializing the request. Defaults to array().
    • 'stream' resource: Stream to read from in order to get the message body when method is POST, PUT or PATCH and data is empty. When not provided php://input will be used for reading.
    • 'env' array: Defaults to array().
    • 'globals' boolean: Use global variables for populating the request's environment and data; defaults to true.




	public function __construct(array $config = array()) {
		$defaults = array(
			'base' => null,
			'url' => null,
			'env' => array(),
			'data' => array(),
			'stream' => null,
			'globals' => true,
			'query' => array(),
			'headers' => array()
		$config += $defaults;

		if ($config['globals']) {
			if (isset($_SERVER)) {
				$config['env'] += $_SERVER;
			if (isset($_ENV)) {
				$config['env'] += $_ENV;
			if (isset($_GET)) {
				$config['query'] += $_GET;
			if (isset($_POST)) {
				$config['data'] += $_POST;
		$this->_env = $config['env'];

		if (!isset($config['host'])) {
			$config['host'] = $this->env('HTTP_HOST');
		if (!isset($config['protocol'])) {
			$config['protocol'] = $this->env('SERVER_PROTOCOL');
		if ($config['protocol'] && strpos($config['protocol'], '/')) {
			list($scheme, $version) = explode('/', $config['protocol']);

			if (!isset($config['scheme'])) {
				$config['scheme'] = strtolower($scheme) . ($this->env('HTTPS') ? 's' : '');
			if (!isset($config['version'])) {
				$config['version'] = $version;
		$this->_base = $this->_base($config['base']);
		$this->url = $this->_url($config['url']);

		$config['headers'] += array(
			'Content-Type' => $this->env('CONTENT_TYPE'),
			'Content-Length' => $this->env('CONTENT_LENGTH')

		foreach ($this->_env as $name => $value) {
			if ($name[0] === 'H' && strpos($name, 'HTTP_') === 0) {
				$name = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($name, 5));
				$name = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower($name)));
				$config['headers'] += array($name => $value);
