
public method

This action renders the detail page for all API elements, including namespaces, classes, properties and methods. The action determines what type of entity is being displayed, and gathers all available data on it. Any wiki text embedded in the data is then post-processed and prepped for display.

Handles broken URL parsers by matching method URLs with no closing ) or no () at all and redirecting.



Returns an array with the following keys:

  • 'name': A string containing the full name of the entity being displayed
  • 'library': An array with the details of the current class library being browsed, in which the current entity is contained.
  • 'object': A multi-level array containing all data extracted about the current entity.


	public function view() {
		$index = Indexes::find('first', [
			'conditions' => [
				'type' => 'api',
				'name' => $this->request->name,
				// $this->request->version gives HTTP version.
				'version' => isset($this->request->params['version']) ? $this->request->params['version'] : null
		if (!$index) {
			throw new Exception('Index not found.');
		if (!$this->request->symbol && $index->namespace) {
			return $this->redirect([
				'library' => 'li3_docs',
				'controller' => 'Apis',
				'action' => 'view',
				'name' => $index->name,
				'version' => $index->version,
				'symbol' => $index->namespace
		if (!$symbol = $index->symbol($this->request->symbol)) {
			// Just class members are handled below.
			if (strpos($this->request->symbol, '::') === false) {
				throw new Exception("Symbol `{$this->request->symbol}` not found.");
			// As Markdown does not allow closing () on method links or sends
			// them out as just ) or ( we'll see if there's method symbol
			// similiar to this one and redirect to that.
			$fixed = rtrim($this->request->symbol, '()') . '()';

			if ($symbol = $index->symbol($fixed)) {
				return $this->redirect([
					'library' => 'li3_docs',
					'controller' => 'Apis',
					'action' => 'view',
					'name' => $index->name,
					'version' => $index->version,
					'symbol' => $symbol->name

			// From documentation links may be generated to inherited
			// members of a class. We redirect to the class where they
			// were defined. Document::$_parent -> Entity::$_parent
			list($class, $member) = explode('::', $this->request->symbol, 2) + [null, null];

			if (!$symbol = $index->symbol($class)) {
				throw new Exception("Symbol `{$this->request->symbol}` not found.");
			if ($member[0] === '$') {
				$type = 'property';
			} elseif (strtoupper($member[0]) === $member[0]) {
				$type = 'constant';
			} else {
				$type = 'method';
			$symbol = $symbol->members(compact('type'))->first(function($item) use ($member) {
				return $item->title(['last' => true]) === $member;
			if (!$symbol) {
				throw new Exception("Symbol `{$this->request->symbol}` not found.");
			return $this->redirect([
				'library' => 'li3_docs',
				'controller' => 'Apis',
				'action' => 'view',
				'name' => $index->name,
				'version' => $index->version,
				'symbol' => $symbol->name
		$crumbs = $this->_crumbsForSymbol($index, $symbol);
		return compact('index', 'symbol', 'crumbs');