

Trait that adds support for behaviors to the Model class. Add this trait to your model that you plan to use behaviors with, then define all behaviors using the actsAs property in your model class.

{{{ // ... class Posts extends \lithium\data\Model {

use li3_behaviors\data\model\Behaviors;

protected static $_actsAs = [ 'Sluggable' => ['fields' => ['title']] ]; // ... }}}

This trait also makes some static methods available in the model, which allows to manage behaviors as follows.

{{{ // Bind the slug behavior with configuration. Posts::bindBehavior('Slug', ['fields' => ['title]]);

// Accessing configuration. Posts::behavior('Slug')->config(); Posts::behavior('Slug')->config('fields');

// Unbinding it again. Posts::unbindBehavior('Slug'); }}}

Behaviors themselves must extend the Behavior class. See the class' docblock for more information on how to implement behaviors.


trait Behaviors {

	 * Stores all loaded behavior instances,
	 * keyed by model name then by behavior name.
	 * @var array
	protected static $_behaviors = [];

	 * Indicates if we already intialized behaviors
	 * on a model. Prevents recursion as Model's `_initialize()`
	 * seems tricky to overwrite.
	 * @fixme Refactor this when we have decent tests in place.
	 * @var boolean
	protected $_initializedBehaviors = false;

	 * Initializes behaviors from the `$_actsAs` property of the model.
	 * Overwrites `Model::_initialize()` in order to hook initialization of
	 * behaviors into model initialization phase. Note that `Model::_initialize()`
	 * is still called and its result returned unmodified.
	 * @param string $class The fully-namespaced model class name to initialize.
	 * @return object Returns the initialized model instance.
	protected static function _initialize($class) {
		$self = parent::_initialize($class);

		if ($self->_initializedBehaviors) {
			return $self;
		$self->_initializedBehaviors = true;

		if (isset($class::$_actsAs)) {
			foreach (Set::normalize(static::$_actsAs) as $name => $config) {
				static::bindBehavior($name, $config ?: []);
		return $self;

	 * Transfer static call to the behaviors first. Static behavior
	 * methods will get the name of the model as its first parameter
	 * and the instance of the behavior as a second paramter.
	 * @param string $method Method name caught by `__callStatic()`.
	 * @param array $params Arguments given to the above `$method` call.
	 * @return mixed
	public static function __callStatic($method, $params) {
		$model = get_called_class();

		if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model])) {
			return parent::__callStatic($method, $params);
		foreach (static::$_behaviors[$model] as $class => $behavior) {
			if (method_exists($class, $method)) {
				array_unshift($params, $behavior);
				array_unshift($params, $model);

				return call_user_func_array([$class, $method], $params);
		return parent::__callStatic($method, $params);

	 * Transfer call from the entity class to the behaviors. Concrete
	 * behavior methods will receive the following parameters: `$model`
	 * `$behavior` and `$entity`.
	 * @param string $method Method name caught by `__call()`.
	 * @param array $params Arguments given to the above `$method` call.
	 * @return mixed
	public function __call($method, $params) {
		$model = get_called_class();

		if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model])) {
			return parent::__call($method, $params);
		foreach (static::$_behaviors[$model] as $class => $behavior) {
			if ($behavior->respondsTo($method)) {
				array_unshift($params, $behavior);
				array_unshift($params, $model);

				return $behavior->invokeMethod($method, $params);
		return parent::__call($method, $params);

	 * Returns a behavior instance. Configuration of
	 * the instance can be accessed as follows.
	 * {{{
	 * Posts::behavior('Slug')->config();
	 * Posts::behavior('Slug')->config('fields');
	 * }}}
	 * @param string $name The name of the behavior.
	 * @return \li3_behaviors\data\model\Behavior Intance of the behavior.
	public static function behavior($name) {
		list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);

		if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class])) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Behavior `{$class}` not bound to model `{$model}`.");
		return static::$_behaviors[$model][$class];

	 * Binds a new instance of a behavior to the model using given config or
	 * entirely replacing an existing behavior instance with new config.
	 * @param string $name The name of the behavior.
	 * @param array $config Configuration for the behavior instance.
	public static function bindBehavior($name, array $config = []) {
		list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);

		static::$_behaviors[$model][$class] = new $class($config + compact('model'));

	 * Unbinds an instance of a behavior from the model. Will throw
	 * an exception if behavior is not bind.
	 * @param string $name The name of the behavior.
	public static function unbindBehavior($name) {
		list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);

		if (!isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class])) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Behavior `{$class}` not bound to model `{$model}`.");

	 * Allows to check if a certain behavior is bound to the model
	 * @param string $name The name of the behavior.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function hasBehavior($name) {
		list($model, $class) = static::_classesForBehavior($name);

		return isset(static::$_behaviors[$model][$class]);

	 * Helper method to retrieve current model class and behavior class for name.
	 * @param string $name The name of the behavior.
	 * @return array An array usable with `list()` with the model and behavior classes.
	protected static function _classesForBehavior($name) {
		$model = get_called_class();

		if (!$class = Libraries::locate('behavior', $name)) {
			throw new RuntimeException("No behavior named `{$named}` found.");
		return [$model, $class];