
Extends lithium\core\Object

Base class that all behaviors must extend. Behaviors can be applied to a model via its actsAs property. Behaviors have some special characteristics that should help building them. A behavior must be created as extensions/data/behavior/<name>.php from where it can be loaded automatically.

  1. Default configuration in $_defaults will automatically be merged with configuration specified in the actsAs poperty of the model and be made available in its entirety in the behaviors $_config property.

  2. Configuratin merge strategies can be controlled by overwriting the _config() method.

  3. Static calls to the model are transferred to the behavior first and get the model class name as its first parameter. This allows you to expose methods as if they were implemented on the model. Each static method implemented in the behavior receives two parameters by default: The name of the model class, an instance of the behavior.

  4. Instance class to the model are transferred to behavior first. This allows you to expose methods as if the were implement on the model. Each concrete public method implemented on the behavior receives three parameters by default: The name of the model class, an instance of the behavior and the entity.

  5. Each behavior can be instantiated multiple times for each model once. There is no need to key configurations by model for example.

  6. Entity methods can be created dynamically. This allows you to i.e. provide a tags() or taxonomy() method on the entity dependent of the configuration provided.

This can be achieved by implementing the following method in the behavior which must return an array of model instance methods to be added to the model.


class Behavior extends \lithium\core\Object {

	 * Allows to specify default configuration for the behavior.
	 * - Overwrite in sublasses where needed. -
	 * @see li3_behaviors\data\model\Behavior::_config()
	 * @var array
	protected static $_defaults = [];

	 * Holding the initialized configuration array of the behavior possibly merged from
	 * the `$_defaults` property and any configuration via the model's `$_actsAs` property.
	 * Always at least holds the fully namespaced class name of the
	 * model this behavior is bound to.
	 * @see li3_behaviors\data\model\Behavior::_config()
	 * @var array
	protected $_config = [];

	protected function _init() {

		$model = $this->_config['model'];
		$behavior = $this;

		$this->_config = static::_config($model, $behavior, $this->_config, static::$_defaults);
		static::_filters($model, $behavior);

		if ($methods = static::_methods($model, $behavior)) {

	 * Initializes configuration into `$_config` using `config()`.
	 * - Overwrite to implement your own custom configuration merge strategies. -
	 * Behaviors often come with different requirements towards configuration.
	 * In some cases just a 1-dimensional array needs to be merged (`$config +
	 * $defaults`) in other cases nested multi-dimensional arrays must be merged
	 * or even normalized in a custom way.
	 * That's why merging the defaults with the provided configuration can be
	 * controlled easily by yourself - the implementer. By default we do a simple
	 * one-dimensional merge adding defaults and configuration to eachother. To
	 * control configuration merging overwrite this method.
	 * @see lithium\util\Set::normalize()
	 * @see lithium\util\Set::merge()
	 * @param string $model Class name of the model.
	 * @param object $behavior Instance of the behavior.
	 * @param array $config The configuration supplied by the user.
	 * @param array $defaults The default configuration for this behavior.
	 * @param array The final configuration which should be set for this behavior.
	protected static function _config($model, $behavior, $config, $defaults) {
		return $config + $defaults;

	 * Applies filters on $model. Automatically called during initialization
	 * of behavior and model.
	 *  - Overwrite to apply your own filters. -
	 * @param string $model Class name of the model.
	 * @param object $behavior Instance of the behavior.
	protected static function _filters($model, $behavior) {}

	 * Allows for dyamically adding instance methods to the model. The
	 * methods to be added must be returned as an array, where the key
	 * is the name of the concrete method on the model and the value
	 * an anonymous function.
	 *  - Overwrite to add your own methods. -
	 * @param string $model Class name of the model.
	 * @param object $behavior Instance of the behavior.
	 * @return array Methods to be added to the model instance.
	protected static function _methods($model, $behavior) {
		return [];

	 * Gets/sets the configuration, allows for introspecting and changing behavior configuration.
	 * @param string|array $key A configuration key or if `null` (default) returns whole
	 *        configuration. If array will merge config values with existing.
	 * @param mixed $value Configuration value if `null` (default) will return $key.
	 * @return array|string Configuration array or configuration option value if $key was string.
	public function config($key = null, $value = null) {
		if (is_array($key)) {
			return $this->_config = $key + $this->_config;
		if ($key === null) {
			return $this->_config;
		if ($value !== null) {
			return $this->_config[$key] = $value;
		return isset($this->_config[$key]) ? $this->_config[$key] : null;